Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Health Care Quote of the Day

Sen. Joe Lieberman tells the New York Times why he's suddenly decided to torpedo the Medicare buy-in he's supported for at least the last nine years and as recently as three months ago.

Apparently, the liberals liked the idea too much.

“Congressman Weiner [D-NY--and huge champion of the public option] made a comment that Medicare-buy in is better than a public option, it’s the beginning of a road to single-payer. Jacob Hacker, who’s a Yale professor who is actually the man who created the public option, said, ‘This is a dream. This is better than a public option. This is a giant step.’”

Way to go, Joe! I guess you're living the dream ... of every right-wing nutjob who's ever wanted to destroy anything resembling a progressive agenda. I guess that's what it means to be an "independent." Good luck getting that GOP nomination in '12.


Clifton said...

I can't believe that the Democrats and the president let Joe Lieberman destroy their health care bill like this. They should have taken him out after the election when they had the chance.

boukman70 said...

They need to take that fool out to the woodshed ASAP. This health care bill has gone two galaxies past absurd!

jadedj said...

This is not a health care bill. This is an INSURANCE bill. Status quo maintained...coffers filled...the American people screwed, once again.

boukman70 said...

You're right about that, Jade. One of the (too many) things that has really upset me about this whole bill is how in the world could they start even talking about mandates without bringing up caps on what insurers can charge you? Who cares if insurers can't deny you because of a pre-existing condition if all they're going to do is charge you out the wazoo for it? And how in the hell can you FORCE me to carry insurance if the insurer's just gonna bankrupt me, anyway?

babetteemccurdy said...
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Sue Jacquette said...

I hate Joe L. He's an idiot and getting worse by the minute.

boukman70 said...

I'm with you, Sue. It would be one thing if Lieberman were acting out of some sort of principle, but this latest episode just shows that Mighty Joe is simply acting out ... to what? Gain more attention for himself? What an asshole!!!